OurTurn One Year Later Report

Image of four women holding a printed copy of the One Year Later Report
Image of Connor Spencer holding a printed copy of the One Year Later Report

This report seeks to memorialize and celebrate the impacts of the OurTurn National Action Plan and cross-country work of those involved in the National OurTurn Committee.  

Released in October 2017, the OurTurn National Action Plan was the first document to grade Canadian post-secondary institutions’ sexual violence policies, coming up with a national average of C-. Since the release, the Action Plan has been mentioned in the House of Commons four times, used by 42 student groups from across seven provinces, and advocated around provincial legislation combating campus sexual violence in five provinces.

It sets the stage for our next steps as SFCC, as we seek to lead advocacy around federal and provincial campus sexual violence legislation, develop intersectional prevention resources, address sexual violence committed by professors, and support the development of student union sexual violence policies. It also outlines some recurring problems and obstacles we have seen in this work over the last year. This report serves to document the first of what we hope to be many steps as we continue to learn, unlearn, and relearn as organizers, building our network of movers and shakers across the country who are working to create cultures of consent in all of our communities.  

Students for Consent Culture Canada is an organization dedicated to supporting intersectional and grassroots anti-sexual violence advocacy and activism on campuses across Canada by serving as a hub of resources, tools, and institutional memory for students to engage with. SFCC also engages in advocacy at the provincial and federal level to create better policies, practices, and accountability measures to protect student survivors. Our overall goal is to work towards creating cultures of consent both on campuses and within civil society across the country.

This is report was published on April 3rd, 2019 in partnership with the Concordia Student Union.

When using the OurTurn One Year Later Report, please cite as follows:

Salvino, Caitlin, and Connor Spencer. ‘OurTurn: One Year Later Report’. Montreal, QC: Students for Consent Culture Canada, 2019.

Le rapport <<À notre tour – un an après>>

Le rapport suivant cherche à commémorer et à célébrer les impacts du Plan d'action national À notre tour et du travail transnational de ceux et celles qui ont participé à la création et à la direction du Comité national À notre tour. Le rapport ouvre la voie aux étapes suivantes en tant que ÉPCC, où nous cherchons à mener un plaidoyer autour des lois fédérales et provinciales sur la violence sexuelle sur les campus, à développer des ressources intersectionnelles de prévention, à lutter contre la violence sexuelle commise par des professeur.e.s, et à soutenir l’élaboration de politiques en matière de violence sexuelle contre les étudiant.e.s. Ce rapport sert à documenter une première de plusieurs étapes, à mesure que nous continuons à apprendre, à désapprendre et à réapprendre en tant qu’organisateur.trice.s, et en construisant notre réseau de personnes influentes à travers le pays, qui travaillent à créer des cultures de consentement dans tous les domaines.

Les appendices contiennent commes plusieurs ressources comme des liens à nos lettres ouvertes, les présentations que nous avions fait, et comment évaluer sa propre politique.

Ce rapport a été publié le 3 avril 2019 en partenariat avec le Concordia Student Union.

Vous pouvez trouver le rapport en anglais ici, et en français ici.

Lorsque vous utilisez le rapport À notre tour : Un an plus tard, veuillez le citer comme suit:

Salvino, Caitlin, et Connor Spencer. ‘À Notre Tour: Un Ans Plus Tard’. Montréal, QC: Étudiant.e.s pour une culture du consentement, 2019.